Ecology We are a small ecological consultancy. Our experienced ecologists will work with you to help ensure your project can proceed in a way that complies with legal obligations, is cost and time effective, and minimises disturbance to bats and their habitats. Only licensed bat-workers are allowed to enter known bat roosts or to capture or handle bats.
Projects we have worked on include:
A mitigation strategy is required as part of an application for a bat mitigation licence. Our experienced and licensed ecologists can provide advice on mitigation methods. These may include the retention of bat roosts and foraging and commuting habitats, design modifications to building plans, advice on timing of works to minimise disturbance, and the provision of new habitats and roosts such as the erection of bat boxes.
Mitigation strategies may also be required when an European Protected Species Mitigation (EPSM) licence is not necessary. For example, to mitigate the adverse effects arising from a proposal where commuting routes used by bats would be fragmented or where a nearby roost or foraging habitat would be disturbed owing to additional lighting. Effective mitigation measures vary from being as simple as timing the works to avoid sensitive periods, to being more detailed and holistic for complex projects involving liaison with different disciplines and contractors. Our experienced ecologists take the time to fully understand the objectives of the works and other aspects in order to be pragmatic.
Cramlington Northumberland | 07543246131
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